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PACE Technologies Company Profile

PACE Technologies has focused on surface finishing technology for materials analysis (metallography).


Our founder and Chief Technical officer is Donald Zipperian, Ph.D. Dr. Zipperian has had many years of experience in the field of metallography and materials science. Previously he was the General Manager and New Product Development manager for Buehler Ltd.

PACE Technologies has from its beginning had a strong focus on International sales. Presently they have distributors in 25+ countries and in the past year they have sold and shipped product to 50+ countries. For a list of countries where PACE Technologies has distributors click on the following link:


PACE Technologies also offers technical solutions and provides several Web Pages for technical and orderig support.

describing the requirements, application, guidelines, trouble shooting guides and product lists for both the data storage and metallographic analysis industries. PACE Technologies was also the first metallographic supply company to offer e-commerce pages and still is a leader in customized e-commerce pages.

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Copyright 2006-2024
PACE TECHNOLOGIES® - 3601 E. 34th St., Tucson, AZ 85713, USA
Telephone +1-520-882-6598 FAX +1-520-882-6599
All Rights Reserved

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