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PACE Technologies Metallographic Preparation CLASS Chart icon

CLASS 11 - Very Hard Brittle Materials and CERMETS (e.g. Tungsten Carbide)
Examples include cermets such as tungsten carbide, glass and minerals.

Description: CERMET’s are wear resistant and very tough materials. They are ideal for machining tools.

Preparation Challenge: The key to proper specimen preparation of CERMET materials such as tungsten carbide is to grind with a semi-fixed abrasive (polycrystalline diamond on a metal mesh cloth), followed by combining diamond abrasives with a CMP (chemical mechanical polishing) abrasive such as SIAMAT™ colloidal silica.

CLASS 11 icon
CLASS 11 Glass and Minerals
Glass and Minerals
Alumino-silicate Glass
Metallographic micrograph of alumino-silicate glass ceramic

Metallographic micrograph of slag

Metallographic micrograph of graphite composite

Periclase Mineral
Metallographic micrograph for Periclase Mineral

Chalcopyrite Mineral

Tungsten Carbide
Metallographic micrograph of Tunsten carbide

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